Why coaching is so important in our time

The world is a different place in the last 10 years. Our options for a great life are infinite. When I listen to people in a coaching session, it isn’t usually figuring out what to do, its figuring out which of their many options to chose, which decision will provide the most satisfaction. What resonates.

Our world is moving faster than ever before. People are waking up to so many different options to enjoy their lives. Right now from where I sit at this computer, I can listen to pretty much any recorded song, watch any movie, download any book or audiobook, or read any news paper in the world. I can ski, run, yoga, gym, bike, climb, paddle. If that isn’t enough I can get on a plane and in 24 hours be pretty much anywhere in the world I choose. Successful careers can be conducted completely at home or you can go to your job. What you want your business to do is also riddled with possibilities. There are infinite ways to be successful.

The real challenge for people is processing more choices than ever. Who are we? What motivates us? What do we really want out our lives? How will go about achieving this success. Now more than ever, it is important for us to connect with ourselves. This is where a good coach can help you tune into what matters to you.

Steve McGrath

Coach who incorporates; travel, adventures, wilderness, not just on the phone. I go where the coaching makes the biggest impact.


Organizational Reflection


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