
One on one coaching - Adventure Coaching

After a five year battle with ovarian cancer, I lost my wife of 47 years. One day I woke to her last breath. Just like that my life changed forever.

I spent my career managing large distribution organizations, wearing several hats at any given time. I’m accustom to split moment discussions and high stress. The key to juggling several balls in the air at once, is working with a team that can work together as a team. But in this case, I was helpless.

No matter how much skill and experience I had acquired over the years. I never felt as lost, lonely, guilty and useless as I did when I lost my wife.

I decided to call up Steve in Calgary about a trip to Tofino. In my mind, I thought if I got away from my grieving, I wouldn’t feel the pain and loneliness I was going through. And that is what happened.

Arriving in Nanaimo airport, Steve was there waiting. His vehicle was loaded with two tents and all the camping gear we needed, plus a kayak strapped to the roof. Off we went to our campsite somewhere on Long Beach, I was still in a fog to remember the exact location. We stopped in several places on our way and one I remember vividly was Cathedral Grove. We hiked amongst giant trees, steep slopes (in my mind steep), in pouring the rain. Somewhere along our hike, I forgot my grief. I became part of my surroundings. A strange and wonderful feeling that I had not felt in a very long time, freedom of the soul.

I believe that was Steve’s intention, to drag me through this rough terrain, pulling my spirit out of the darkness into the light and I it worked.

We continued to our destination, changing our plans along to take opportunities for conversation in wild places. When we arrived at our camp site. I was still in a fog, so I don’t remember much of that first morning. 

We started to set up camp and that’s when body, mind and spirit started to unite as one. The tarp lines followed by the tarps, tents and gear all came together. I was finally aware of smells, sights and touch. It was like waking up after a deep sleep, I knew where I was in this world.

We walked Long Beach for hours, sometimes in the rain. I recall turning around to see where we came from and was surprised that I could walk that far.

Wet travelled to places in Pacific Rim that I could only describe as spiritual. I was exposed to the elements which normally I would have not allowed myself participate in. I could feel the salt water and sand enter my hiking boots and the rain run from my face, down my chest. For the first time in a long time, I felt alive.

The time came to go back home. Said my good-byes and got on the plane. Arrived tired and as I inserted the keys into my front door, I hesitated slightly before opening the door and when I did, my whole world collapsed, like being hit by a tsunami of pure shit. My time connecting to spirit truly helped ready me for the difficulty that was to come.

But that’s another story. 
Joe Teixiera

There is no question that in life there are those special individuals who will leave us with a gift. A gift that helps us to become better at being human. Steve is one of those people. He has not only had a positive influence in my life, but has brought out the best in our team mates.

Steve has an uncanny way of clearing muddy waters when bringing teams together. His patience and ability to help one open up to new perspectives, was an asset. Specifically when we had to work through and overcome challenges. Steve has a gift that challenges you to become better at who you are and what you do.

Throughout the years Steve and I would find ourselves on land or water supporting teams in achieving what I call “World Class Performance”.  It was here in these experiences and connections where Steve authentically shifted mindsets by meeting team mates where they were at.

Steve’s gift to others and myself, is to be present and always recognize the value in open and honest conversations, including the uncomfortable ones.

For that I am grateful,

Betty Carew, CRSP, CHSC

International Best Selling Author
"Your Emergence From Leadership to Heartship"

Adventure Coaching - International Mentor Program

I’m more confident in the presence of others knowing that I accomplished this experience. It might sound a little like tooting my own horn but it gives me an uncontrollable feeling of standing and worth. I’m less inclined to just let people walk over me.

I don’t’ overthink like I used to. I don’t scrutinize details like I did. I am not as hard on myself as I was. This has created more time and efficiency when doing things. And I’m still pretty good at details.

The ability to act is what I’ve developed. I let mistakes roll off. Also the idea for me personally that exercise and being active at a high level needs to be primary in my life. There are a lot of things, it’s still a jumble. I continue realizing the benefits a year later.

It’s a fantastic experience and it wouldn’t have been possible for me if we hadn’t gone together.

Jasper Holland
Student/ Traveller

Team Coaching

Myself and my team have now worked with Steve for the last 18 months and here are a few points of note;

His approach is easy to work with and he manages to gain everyone’s trust in a very short period of time. Our team now functions as a team and each team member openly communicates their thoughts with myself (VP Corporate Development).

We now have no internal issues to work through so have turned our attention to how we can be a force for collaboration and excellence across all of Baytex Energy.

Without Steve this wouldn’t have happened…. when I need to energize the team or get the team to solve a deep seated problem I bring in Steve then sit back and watch the magic happen.

Furthermore, several of the team have gone on to use Steve as a personal coach, whilst the rest of the team have fully bought into his coaching style and methods, as well as the concept of the team actually working with a coach in the first place. For the entire team this was a new experience.

Cameron Hercus
Baytex VP Corporate Development 2016

Organizational Coaching - Culture Building

This year, our team commenced a review of our OHS program which kick started us down a path of reviewing and renewing our approach to OHS. As we started work, our leadership team was focused on the mechanistic components and process drivers in our OHS program, however, the work we were doing was not resonating as to why we need to revamp our program.

At this point, we engaged Steve with Fluid Experiences. Steve helped us transform our thinking around the problems with our OHS Program. Through his focused coaching, Steve guided and supported our leadership team to rethink our approach to focus on the purpose, meaning and why. From there, Steve’s coaching helped us think of solutions that resonated with our leadership and staff with a focus on the health and safety culture we wanted to build. 

Through Steve’s support, it changed our thinking around our OHS program with a real focus on why we are doing what we are doing and actions driven from there.

Rob Simieritsch
Regional Resource Manager Alberta Environment and Parks

Team Coaching / Organizational Coaching

Steve coached and guided our entire leadership team ahead of our fast-paced winter program drilling over one hundred wells in 4 months with new rigs, new well site leaders, new rig managers, and green crews. We determined it would be critical to safety and productivity for the 400+ individuals to build solid working relationships and trust in the field and office right from the start.

Steve worked with our VP, HSE team lead, and operations and engineering managers designing a one-week alignment offsite. Steve facilitated the entire week combining technical and behavioural sessions and team building in a way that even the toughest driller could absorb and get onboard with and even take home to his family.

Steve walks where many fear to tread on terms of helping all behavioural types understand and respect each other which leads to a much more enjoyable, productive, safer, and fluid work environment. I have great respect for Steve’s abilities leading teams to success

Marnie Wu
BP Performance Manager – Technical Functions Global Wells Organization (GWO)

One on one coaching

I’ve used Steve for both individual and group coaching over the past seven years, and found his services to be invaluable. Using a broad range of tools and exercises, Steve enabled me to explore values, clarify goals, and examine interpersonal dynamics, all with the ultimate objective of improving outcomes. 

In an environment of unlimited information, options, and tasks, Steve helped me to filter, organize, and clarify – and to begin to act more purposefully rather than simply reacting to the countless daily demands. Steve’s unfailing commitment has made him a partner in both the process and its outcome. Wholehearted thanks, and an unreserved endorsement of Steve at Fluid Coaching.

Mitch Carter