The Reset Program is for you…

  • Looking for an intense experience to re-energize what is next in your life? 

  • Want a see life through a different lens?

  • Not interested in sitting in someones office just talking?

  • Learn better when doing something inspirational, invigorating and challenging?

  • Ready to take your journey to the next level?

The Reset Program

Big life transitions and change demand big perspective shifts. Everything changes is a life reality. How we transition through those change determine our success and who we will be at the other side of change.

The Reset program is a big exciting trip to Nepal, with space for self reflection and a professional coach to challenge and co-create outcomes on your journey into yourself. Nepal is catalyst for new perspectives. Big mountains of the Himalayas, unfamiliar and wonderful culture, wild rivers, friendly people, fresh air and challenge provide the space to see life through a new lens. This is an amazing experience and I really want to bring you to it.

This trip is more than just a trip though. Anyone can hire a trekking guide and go trekking. This is about using the experience to see more in yourself. To connect with who you are and who you want to be. What is next in your life? What is inside you that wants to come out. This is the point of having a professional coach there to enrich and deepen the experience.

Quick overview of this 29 day trip:

  • Trekking to Mt Everest, exploring the region and cultures of Nepal

  • White water in Raft or Kayak

  • One on one coaching with professional coach while trekking.

  • Coaching handbook, for times when you want to do your own work

  • Small group size (3 max to 1 coach)

  • Connect with like minded people

Please contact to discuss dates: Next journey:
October 31 - Nov 28 2023

Adventure Coaching Programs


One on one coaching


High Performance Team and Organization Coaching