Team and Organizational High Performance Coaching

Team coaching is a powerful experience.

High performance teams need clear honest objective feedback and perspective, from outside the leadership hierarchy of the organization. Someone who is capable turning observations into opportunities that enhance the entire organization. 

Leaders and coach will create a specialized engagement focused to pull ideas and concerns from your people to meet current objectives, Coaching will get them speaking frankly. Team coaching brings out both what a team can do to be better as well what is holding a team back. You may not like everything you hear, but you will be grateful that you are hearing it and now can address it. 

Of course a leader or manager could lead a team engagement, but the dynamics of a leader led engagement sends a much different signal than a coached led engagement. In turn the dynamics of the discussion are a lot different than the dynamics when the leader is sitting among them participating. Leader is now part of the process rather than driving the process. Let a coach lead and be part of the discussion. Experience your team from a completely different perspective, and provide them an experience of who you are. 

Some examples past coaching programs created to enhance: 

  • Communication

  • Trust

  • Strategy

  • Alignment

  • Decision making

  • Teamwork

  • Conflict resolution

  • Culture

  • Respectful workplace

  • Safety

  • Productivity

  • Managing change and transition.

Team coaching truly is a powerful experience.

Did you benefit from your coaching session? Consider integrating a coach into your operation or workplace

Generate effective solutions real time in the setting your challenges exist. People share openly to a coach. A coach has no authority, people are willing to discuss doubts, concerns and work through situations to create solutions. They can open up and not worry about reprisals or fallout. People are willing to work things through with a coach. Then deliver a thought out planned solution. 

A coach will build bridges of communication, create new awareness and work towards organizational objectives. Once completed, the coach leaves, but the communication, awareness, objectives and everything else remains.

If you believe people are your greatest asset, a great coach is the best way to get the most out of your people. You have engineers to get the most out of equipment, accountants to get the most out of money, managers to get the most out of resources. Coaches will get the most out of people. 

Stages to expect for effective coach implementation or field coaching:

  • Engage and align with senior leaders. Co-create objectives, KPI’s and timelines.

  • Engage the team. Share expectations

  • Rapport development. Get to know everyone at a deeper level. Some one on one coaching will occur, but mostly low lying fruit and getting an understanding of key issues.

  • Debrief with leadership, update objectives, define focus areas.

  • More active coaching. Open up discussion to ensure alignment, address communication breakdowns, develop trust and create opportunities to implement improvements.

  • Debrief and refocus continually.

Through fluid I have coached in highly diverse environments: Corporate offices, tech and creative firms, on and off shore drilling rigs, completions operations, seafood vessels, construction sites, survey operations among other field operation sites. We are there to enhance human performance. It works. 


Adventure Coaching Program
